Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Each Day To Its Own

Haven't  updated for a while - here is the latest.

Mom is okay ... well as okay as she can be with a grade IV stage IV tumor in her head ... her radio ended 5-6 months ago and now she's off chemo too. Her condition seems to deteriorate though there is no definite way of know except for watching out for occasional lack of coordination, loopiness, incoherence and memory less - well you may think that's a lot to go by, but if you are with that person day in and day out you realize it's not all that simple - or objective. She's trudging along and Daddy is making sure he supports her all the way, the best he can. However, sometimes the best is not enough....

My son is still no speaking and though he has graduated from babbling incoherence to babbling mammamama and babababa.. well he's still only babbling... so waiting on there too..

Life is strange nowadays, somedays I feel I have so  much to do and on some other I feel useless.... a strange vertigo overpowers me...which is not good for anyone. Working my Internet business, try to buy a new piece of land, actually starting to watch television after a long time and not finding the time to read - the one thing that used to soothe and entertain me....that's life in a nutshell.

Hope tomorrow will be better.