Friday, December 3, 2010

Boring is good. Pain is not.

About a month ago I posted my first blog on DISGRUNTLD. Life hasn't changed much since then, at least not for the better. My mom's is still in pain :( and my baby is still babbling away incessantly while we watch him closely for occurrence of his first words LOL.

Mom's radiotherapy ended a week ago. The pains did not. Add to that nausea, indigestion, cold allergies and her constant harping on the fact that the whole treatment has done her no good. Life seems dismal sometimes, until I indulge in some guilty movie/TV watching... if there's something captivating on there then for couple of minutes life seems just okay. Just the way it has been throughout my life - not too great but nothing much to complain about. I wish that average, uneventful and boring existence would come back. Days when I would wake up to my mom planning the day's meals or cooking away in the kitchen and I would wish I had some more excitement in my life than to choose between helping her in the kitchen or not helping her. Homeliness has never been my way of choice - but here I am trying to do the best I can while I do enough to scrape by from day to day.

Mom has been talking of her NOT getting well .. which means the obvious. Today she talked of giving to my son the jewelery which I had gifted to her three years ago. I wish I could buy back some life or at least some health by selling off that jewelry. What good did it do to her? And what good would it do to me, I wonder ...

I wish life was simple. You could just spend some money and buy happiness. Then we could all focus on just making money .. enough to buy health and happiness for our families and ourselves.

Let's see what the passing days would bring to me. Will keep the blog posted - and with more frequency than I have shown so far.


1 comment:

  1. Life is just a passing moment,this will too pass.
